Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Model: Drawing an Inference

Knowing where to draw the line between preserving nature and advancing society can be challenging. The recent uproar about earthquakes in Central Arkansas caused by injecting toxic waste from “fracking,” highlights the delicate balance between man and Mother Earth. 

Fox News references the U.S. Geological Survey, which has recorded more than 800 quakes since September in “what is now being called the Guy-Greenbriar earthquake swarm” (Liu and Kaplan). The same article acknowledges that 412 companies are “connected to the oil and gas industry in the state.” It certainly seems suspicious that the recent earthquake swarm has coincided with the natural gas companies drilling, yet it’s hard to deny the economic boon to the state. No doubt, safety should trump profit. But, since the quakes thus far have been minor, to my knowledge not causing any serious damage, it’s tough to deny the opportunities to Arkansans, especially in a tough economy.

We face some tough decisions about finding the right balance. Oil prices are soaring, and the economy is weakening, and jobs are becoming scarce. We'll have to decide how to tap into our natural resources without causing additional problems.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Model Lesson 1 Reflection

Take a minute to reflect on the model lesson. Share your reflection by commenting on this post.

Use these questions to guide your reflection:

  • What worked well?
  • What would you change to make the lesson more effective?
  • What strategies from the lesson could you use in your own classroom?
  • How might you modify the lesson to fit your students' needs?
  • Which particular Common Core Standards might a lesson such as this address?
  • What texts might you use with this lesson?