In a recent article entitled "Earthquakes in Arkansas May be Man-Made, Experts Warn", the authors state "The sudden swarm of earthquakes in Arkansas -- including the largest quake to hit the state in 35 years -- is very possibly and after effect of natural-gas drilling. " reading this article, I felt the need to call my mother and apologize. Several months ago, we had a conversation that went something like this....."Teresa, do you think all of these recent earthquakes are caused from all of the drilling for natural gas?" I, being an authority (not) on geology because I teach 7th and 8th grade science, replied in an exasperated tone, "No Mother.....earthquakes occur along fault lines." I rambled on and on about these wonderully scientific facts concerning earthquakes and faults, etc. She calmly sat there, I am sure thinking, "Wow, that money we spent on her education was well worth it!" However, after reading this article, it seems she may have been on to something that a college degree can't always provide....common sense!
The authors provided specific examples of areas in the United States that had not been prone to earthquakes until drilling for natural gas began there. Cleburne, Texas, West Virginia, and Greenbrier, AR were three that were specifically mentioned. This does not seem coincidental to me, however, science tells us that much evidence must be gathered before a valid conclusion can be drawn. So, while further investigation is being done on this subject and more evidence is gathered, I have plenty of time to pick up the phone and call my mother for that apology I am sure she has secretly been waiting on!